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Developing Your Own Style

Some beginners think that all they have to do is mimic V.J. Singh’s or Tiger Woods’ every move and voila!  Instant golf success!

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.

Really, no two people ever swing at the ball in the same way.  Because of your unique body build, you develop your own individual set of muscles. A method of golf used by one person who’s of a different build and has developed a different set of muscles may not be of value to you.  Golf will always be individual.  Find a method of playing that produces results for you, and then go with it.

While it’s often a waste of time to try to copy someone else’s style or imitate someone else to a T, coaching by a professional can help in finding a fault that you've developed and getting suggestions on how to make corrections. But you want to hire someone who works with the natural swing you have rather than a teacher who tries to teach you something totally different.

If you hire a pro, make sure he is a top notch player.  You don’t just want him to stand there and watch you swing either.   Have him actually show you how to get out of sand, mud, and water and the principles of some less obvious shots.  Then you’ll really be getting value for your money!

When you’re ready to play a game, and you’re faced with a shot - make your decision on how you're going to do things.  Don’t be persuaded to change your methods every time you have a bad game.

Granted, some techniques really are fundamental principles and need to be observed.  But it’s impossible to make a shot and the whole time be thinking of seven or eight things like your grip, where your feet are, where the ball is, keep your eye on the ball, follow through, keep your head straight, etc.

Here are two basic tips to improve your individual game.

The one foundation you need no matter what stroke you’re making, no matter what club you’re playing with, is balance.  You must keep balanced during the striking of the ball.

Another basic tip is to always keep your eye on the ball.  Make sure any stance you take allows you to see the ball from every point of the stroke.

Take your time and develop your own methods that work for you.  And when you’re doing well, be sure to give the kid who’s trying to mimic you  the advice above!

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